Are Rowe Tactical products Made in America?

Yes! All Rowe Tactical products on our website are proudly manufactured and assembled in America!

Does Rowe Tactical have a physical location where we can come and view or purchase our products?

We do not have a retail store at this time and our current facilities are not open to the public.

If you would like to view our products in person please visit a local dealer in your area where you will be able to see our products in person. Products selection varies at each local dealer.

How often is our website updated?

Our website is updated daily and new products are added as we receive them. For the fastest access to stock updates and new product announcements, please sign up for our newsletter or stock alerts to be alerted when new items or other products are back in stock.

How can I get an ETA on an out-of-stock item?

We do not currently have ETAs for product restock.

What is your Return Policy?

If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we're here to help. Please read the guidelines below for our return policies and procedures.

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